Quarantine and Home Gardening

So one of the things i have been wanting to do more of lately is, ive been wanting to grow my own food. As I began to become more conscious about what I am eating, I have been craving more organic food. Organic foods are slightly more expensive, but I believe its worth the cost. If you invest in higher quality foods, it is less likely that you would need to spend more money in healthcare for different aliments.

Home Garden Items

To begin there are 6 things you need.

  1. Seeds

  2. Paper Towels

  3. Zip Lock Bags

  4. Water

  5. Tape

  6. Marker/Pen

This is a fun activity that you can do with the entire family or you can do on your own. The ziplock bag acts as a green house and makes it easy to germinate seeds.

Warren Edwards